There is an opinion that the islands are the best places for those who want to retire. However, in practice it is far from so, because washed by the seas and oceans areas of land are usually full of visitors and tourists. Fortunately, if you turn off the paths trodden by travellers, you can always find really quiet and secluded corners of the Earth, which will give the soul peace. 

1.      Togian Islands, Indonesia

The Togian Archipelago consists of about 7,000 islands and islets in the sea off the north-eastern coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia. The islands formed, as a result of volcanic activity, are covered with lush tropical vegetation and surrounded by ancient coral reefs. The main attraction of Togian Island is the unique atmosphere and detachment from the world and of course the rich underwater world.

On the Togian Island, you will meet the amazing bajo people - sea gypsies who roam from island to island in wooden boats.

·         Marine biologists and underwater photographers dive with Manta and invariably find rare creatures: seahorses, fish-mandarins, sea spiders, snake-like eels, strange-looking crabs and shrimps.

·         Sea surface is covered with hard and soft corals, sponges and stars. At a shallow depth, flocks of pyramidal butterfly fish and black triggers sing. Sharks, barracudas, moray eels, stingrays and sea snakes are also not uncommon. In good weather, visibility under water reaches 40-50meters. Corals in the town of Bangka are especially soft, so huge flocks of colourful tropical fish are circling the walls.

·         Jellyfish lagoon is a fully enclosed cove with saturated green deep water filled with beautiful, huge jelly fishes.


2.      Ti tiri Islands, Australia.

The Ti travelling Islands are located north of the Australian city of Darwin. Tourists are attracted by the opportunity to get acquainted with indigenous culture; visit dense rainforests, waterfalls and natural stone pools. Travellers enjoytheir stay in one of the fishing huts. One should not forget to visit "pukamanis" - high pillars installed by Aboriginal people at the burial site. 

3.      Yakushima Island, Japan.

The island of Yakushima, which can be reached by ferry from Kagoshima, is an ancient cedar forest protected by UNESCO. High mountains and dense forests extend to the entire territory of the island. You just can't find a better place to meditate in the woods. 

4.      Funzi Island, Kenya.

Funzi Island, washed by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, is located in southern Kenya. The coast of the island is home to a large population of sea turtles. The population of Funzi is about 1,500 permanent residents belonging to the Shirazi ethnic group. Travellers can go on a crocodile safari or stay at the island's only hotel, which can be reached by ferry from the mainland or on a 15-minute flight from Mombasa. 

5.      San Blas Islands, Panama.

In the Caribbean Sea off the northern coast of Panama is the archipelago of San Blas, consisting of 365 islands with white sandy beaches inhabited by the Indian people. The islands can be easily reached from Panama City, but because the traditions and culture of the local population remain virtually unchanged here, they seem like a real land of light. 

6.      Olkhon Island, Russia.

The island of Olkhon, which is located near the west coast of Lake Baikal, is accessible by ferry. Shamans consider this island one of the five most energetically strong places on Earth. You can rent in the village of Khuzir. 


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