There is an opinion that the islands are the best places for those who want to retire . However, in practice it is far from so, because washed by the seas and oceans areas of land are usually full of visitors and tourists. Fortunately, if you turn off the paths trodden by travellers, you can always find really quiet and secluded corners of the Earth, which will give the soul peace. 1. Togian Islands, Indonesia The Togian Archipelago consists of about 7,000 islands and islets in the sea off the north-eastern coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia. The islands formed, as a result of volcanic activity, are covered with lush tropical vegetation and surrounded by ancient coral reefs. The main attraction of Togian Island is the unique atmosphere and detachment from the world and of course the rich underwater world. On the Togian Island, you will meet the amazing bajo people - sea gypsies who roam from island to island in wooden boats. · ...